M Amen Santo (jah, seesama, kes õpetas Marc Dacascost olema capoeira-mees filmi Only the Strong jaoks) õpilane Prof Versatil on moslem ja Õpetlane. See kord lahkab ta oskuslikult vana head Mis-ühele-lubatud-see-teisele-keelatud-teemat ja küsimus on selles, kas moslem võib capoeiraga tegeleda. Võime laiendada küsimuse ka selliselt: kas mittekatoliiklasest mittebrasiillane võib capoeiraga tegeleda, ilma et ta tunduks "valitud rahva" silmis naeruväärne? Järgnev tekst on kopeeritud capoeira.com-ist ja keskendub capoeira verbaal-musikaal-spirituaalsele osale, mis erinevalt füüsilisest ei ole õnneks (veel) kistud sajasse eri suunda ja tuhandetesse vaidlustesse eesmärgiga leida kõige õigem tõde. Kui mõni autoriteetne meister annaks loa/näitaks ette, kuidas lahedalt laulda inglise vms keeles, siis oleks tagajärg kergelt öeldes huvitav (üks seda juba tegi, aga õnneks elab ta Austraalias :P). Nüüd siis sellest, mis vahe on laulmiselt ja palvel.
The most important thing is this. Nothing in Islam hapens without Nia (intent of the doer) and is not valid without Ikhlass (sincerity of intent). Why is this important? I have always heard the question '"So what about if someone starts singing a song about dona Maria or about the Orixa Ogum, clearly religious figures from religions other than Islam?" My answer comes in the form of a question "When is the last time that you prayed to Allah by accident? When is the last time that you saw a non-muslim make Salat accidentally for that matter?" It does not and cannot happen because in order to pray to someone, be it Allah or Obatala, you must clearly intend to do so. So much so that some muslims believe that their prayers are only accepted if they vocally pronounce their intent to do so before making Salat. It is impossible to accidently pray to a diety or idol if you do not intend to. The thing that people have to really be careful of is where their intentions lie. For instance when people talk about how much they pray or give money or when they are afraid to let people know that they missed a day of fasting, all because they are fearing being judged by other Muslims. This is a minor shirk because for Muslims, our hopes and fears should be tied to Allah, not the opinon of the Muslim next door. This creates a very simple relationship. If you are singing a song about dona Maria because you want to sing a song about dona Maria, that's what you are doing, period. If you are singing "e ogum ie" because you like the way that Mestre Suassuna sings it, then you are doing just that, singing it. If you want to pray to Yemanja, then you sing a song about a sereia in hommage, then you are praying to Yemanja. On the other hand I could sing that song right along with you and if my intention is to sing a song, then that, according to the basic and incontravertible tennates of Islam is exactly what I am doing, singing a song.
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