Pole mõtet arvata, et samal ajal kui föderatsioonid maid jagavad, istuvad päris capoeirad kodus ja joonistavad berimbaudele lillekesi..
1968 ja 1969 korraldati Rios esimesed suured capoeirakohtumised erinevate gruppide esindajate vahel (Nestor Capoeira sõnul kuni 100 osavõtjaga), kus "püüti samuti lüüa ühtset (ja ainukest kogu Brasiilias) "capoeiravormi" (valged püksid, valge t-särk, valged tennised), ühtset hierarhiat (erinevates värvides vööd ümber piha nagu judos ja karates) ja ühtset nomenklatuuri liikumistele ja löökidele (millel oli ja on ikka veel Brasiilias regiooniti erinevad nimed [...])." N. Capoeira, The Little Capoeira Book, lk 159
1969 tuli üheks päevaks kohale ka M Bimba, kes siiski asja kasulikkusesse ei uskunud.
1984 korraldati Rio de Janeiros Circo Voadoris Primeiro Encontro Nacional da Arte Capoeira 64 capoeirista osavõtul (sh õpetajad ja meistrid). Kui 1968 ja 1969 tehti katse capoeirat "organiseerida ja distsiplineerida" vormi, hierarhia jms osas, siis 1984 näeme juba teist lähenemist: "Capoeira kui kunst." 1984 ei surutud midagi peale. Id. lk 162
Senzala põhiliikmete kõrval võtsid sellest kokkusaamisest osa M Acordeon, M Paulo Siqueira ning Bahia mehed M Valdemar da Paixão, M Canjiquinha, M João Pequeno, M Moraes, M Gato Preto, M Itapoan ja M Atenilo.
1990. aasta kohtumisel saadi aru, et capoeira on liialt üle maailma laiali valgunud, et oleks võimalik edaspidi kõiki osapooli kokku saada. Tol korral olid kohal Capoeiraföderatsioonide esindaja M Geraldo Santana, Senzala põhitegijad, M Braga, M Acordeon, M Jelon Vieira ja M Paulo Siqueira. Paistab, et Bahia angoleirod olid kohtumisele käega löönud..
Üheks tulisemaks teemaks oli taas capoeira liitmine või pigem liitmisest hoidumine, nüüd aga oli survele antud juba ametlik käik.
Mestre Garrincha from Rio’s Senzala asked [G. Santana, São Paulo Capoeira Federation] if he did not affiliate himself, would the Federation be able to interfere in his capoeira work? Santana replied, "Overseas, if someone opened a qymnastic academy without official permisson, the place would be shut down. In Brazil it is different, but one day we’ll get there. And then we will be able to force people to affiliate themselves with the Federation, and if someone refuses, the Federation would file a lawsuit and the police would go there and shut down the academy." N. Capoeira, Roots of the Dance-Fight-Game, lk 317
Nestor Capoeiral aga on teema kohta oma arvamus, mis on tavaliselt capoeira-maailmas väga hinnatud:
Experience has shown that, with time, organizations that centralize power and authority always end up falling into the hands of scoundrels and bureaucrats. That meant that we were going to nourish an organism that would eventually step on us and rob us. Furthermore, this whole business of wanting a central organization that has the power to set the rules for everything is typical of radical and authoritarian regimes, of military dictatorships. Yet we see throughout the world that the time for this type of organization has come to an end simply because such things did not function. The South American right-wing military authoritarian regimes (Brazil, Chile, etc.) are ending, as are the Eastern-bloc left-wing authoritarian regimes (USSR, etc.). It is the end of an era and of a paternalistic, authoritarian, military, dictatorial mentality. The capoeira player must perceive these changes or he will fall off his horse. I think it is a mistake for us to create an organization of this type which did not work in the past and now is in decline. And above all, an organism of central power that in the near future may interfere with the academies that do not wish to affiliate with the Federation can be extremely dangerous. My position is still the same as it was in the 1984 meeting, as documented in the new expanded edition of The Little Capoeira Book (from 2003 on). Id. lk 318
I favor organizations created and ruled by capoeira players, without any bureaucrats from the state, without any scoundrel coming from outside our universe, without any parasite. We are capable of creating and running our own organizations. We do not need a “father” or some “colonel” from another era telling us what to do without really knowing this specific subject. Since the Brazilian edition of this book came out in 1992, up to the present English version [2002], Capoeira has been very lucky. The Confederation has tried to “play rough” but has had very little success. Also we haven’t had any strong economic organization, or the media, coming strongly into the scene. Things continue to expand with the capoeiristas themselves leading this movement. Id. lk 320
Lõpuks üks hea kommentaar praegu capoeiramaailmas toimuva kohta:
[...] I won’t play the role of the prophet in regard to this new capoeira cycle that I say began in 2000. But I cannot restrain myself from saying that I imagine the new changes will have to do with 1) „culture” as the Europeans understand it, i.e., a deeper interest in history, etc., and 2) „business and technology” as the Americans understand it (more use of videos, Internet, etc.).
Probably the English-speaking reader knows more than I about these last issues and could better predict what these new contributions might be. I believe that, as always, capoeira will gain something and lose something.
Perhaps with the new „cultural” contribution, including a deeper interest in history and research into the „roots,” my own work will be more valued.
But probably those who value this path will look down at players who do not have access to orthodox Western education. The shitty „academic talk” will try to make itself more important than the body dialogue (the Game) itself. And probably I will be one of the main „shit-talkers,” a dinosaur who knew Mestres Pastinha and Bimba and who was part of the genesis of the Senzala group in the 1960s.
As for business and technology, we will probably see „experts” in these areas acquiring great importance in the capoeira world notwithstanding the fact that they might be poor players and know very little about the game.
People will say that „capoeira is loosing its roots,” that „distortions are being introduced in capoeira,” and, up to a certain point, they will be right.
This is nothing new.
But capoeira has its own ways, regardless of what you or I want or like. It still remains up to us – you and me, and especially the non-Brazilian capoeirista – to try to ensure that regardless of „new contributions” we maintain the positive and traditional characteristics of this game that we love and are so attached to. N. Capoeira, The Little Capoeira Book, lk 155
1 kommentaar:
Kunagi lugesin, et kui M Bimba kutsuti mingile kohtumisele (võibolla see oli seesama 1969 aasta oma Rios), siis demonstreeris keegi seal oma loodud akrobaatilist liigutust, mille oli kutsunud 'eu vou'ks (port k. 'ma lähen'). Selle peale tõusis M Bimba pahaselt püsti - talle ei meeldinud liigne leiutamine - ning lahkus sõnades: kui sina lähed, siis olen mina juba läinud..
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